Ugly Oranges~

I still learn more every single day!!

Dianna Salciccioli


My local grocery story was bought out and within 3 days had been unveiled as a new, more “northwest” store. I actually approve of the changes but when I re-entered the store for the first time after the grand unveiling my eyes were drawn to the front display case with piles of shrivelled up oranges. These oranges were really ugly; I remember thinking ” what are those things, they do not look appetizing!!”

As I made my way to the store register I overheard a conversation between the Checker and the woman in front of me. ” Checker~ “Wow, you are getting a big bag of Oranges today but have you tried those ugly oranges in the front of the store?” “No” said the shopper “those oranges look really awful!” The Checker replied ” OH!! I will never eat another normal orange again!! Those ugly oranges are the best things…

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