How are You…….Really?

How are you?  How are you really? 

Though these questions may seem simple enough they are actually a bit more complicated in the season we are experiencing in our Nation.  However, I believe that it is really important to take the time to ask those questions of our friends, family and colleagues.  

Here’s my thinking:  A great deal has changed over the past 18 months, so many of us have experienced enormous relational, physical, and financial changes and challenges; many have not yet found their equilibrium even now.

The infighting over politics, vaccines, masks, and simple social connections has created great sadness in many families and friendship groups – both sides claiming to be the most “right”, the most “socially sensitive”, and the most “informed”.  The cost of these differences has been trust, respect, and even the ability to agree to disagree.  To be honest, I’ve had many conversations with family, friends, and clients; so many are grieving the loss of joy and simple laughter which was once a large part of all of their social and family gatherings.

This is why I think, especially with the beginning of the holiday season, that we care enough to check in with each other and care about how we/they are doing “really”.  How is their hope, mental health, and connectedness with others? What is needed for greater support?  

Isolation is a dangerous thing, especially during the holidays.  Reaching out to care for others and checking in is probably still very needed even now. A text, coffee, a walk, a call, or even a card are all soft touches of care; we are all capable of taking the time.

I challenge us all to be mindful of those we love and care for; let’s be ever so thoughtful to look outside of our own schedules and busyness. There are people around our lives who could really use our encouragement; you could probably use some encouragement too.  It’s amazing that when we give love and care it tends to comes back to us as well.

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